
If I had to describe my design philosophy, I would say that design is in the details, but details build experiences. Beyond that, I think that too many designers forget about the experience that surrounds their product—whatever form that product takes—and should spend more time thinking about the user, to hone their empathy, and make a better product for the user
- Branden Pincince



At Auburn University, I studied Industrial Design with an emphasis on product design, and a minor in business. 

Thanks to Auburns sponsored studio program I was able to work on projects for large companies such as Pratt Industries and Emerson Tool Co. 

As a student, I developed my skills by working on projects including smart ceiling fans, packaging, vacuums, tools, and medical devices. After one semester working with Pratt Industries, I was recruited by the project leader at Pratt to work as an Intern over the following summer. During my studies, I was also invited to travel to France in order to represent Auburn's Industrial Design departmentat the LaunchBox Program in St. Etienne. Once there, I collaborated with a multinational team consisting of members from across Europe, South America, and the United States.

After finishing school, I was hired by Pratt Industries to join their Innovation Development Team. I now work to bring new innovations from inside and outside of the corrugated packaging world to both our company, and our customers.



Studying industrial design at Auburn one class that is required is a photography course. Throughout the program you regularly build prototypes and models so it is important to record your work. The photography course is primarily focused on product photography, however as part of the project I was tasked with trying multiple forms of the art, and I found a passion for capturing images. You can find a sample of some of my work to the right, and even more on my instagram.
